
Overheard in London: this week’s #wordonthestreet

James Manning
Written by
James Manning
Content Director, EMEA

You’re like an eclair. Nice on the inside… and the outside.’

‘I’m totally into the idea of fake marriage.’

It’s an unpretentious little restaurant with a great Brazilian cabernet sauvignon.’

‘He looks exactly like Shakespeare. He’s got the same beard, same haircut…’

The bus looks like it’s eating up the cars.

‘My friend’s not talking to me any more because I accidentally got off with him.’

Do you remember Goblin Fingers?

‘If Shrek can find a partner, so can I.’

That reminds me of the time I lit my shoe on fire to heat a can of beef ravioli in my dad’s garage.’ 

Every week you share the weird things you’ve overheard in London. Above, a few perplexing snippets from the past seven days – don’t forget to tweet us your own!

Overheard last week

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