Celebrating Columbus Day 2020 doesn’t have to be about the first European who discovered America (more or less), in fact, more and more people are marking Indigenous Peoples Day instead.
The Columbus Day Parade has received backlash over the years as it is historically proven that the man of the hour led the oppression and genocide of indigenous people. If you want to know where you can go to learn more about Native American art and culture, then read on. Or maybe you just want to spend the day eating Italian food? Live your life!
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When is Columbus Day?
This year, Indigenous Peoples Day (Columbus Day) falls on Monday, October 12, 2020.
What is Columbus Day?
Columbus Day refers to when Christopher Columbus landed in America. Technically, he arrived on October 12, 1492, but since 1970, the United States has observed the occasion on the second Monday of every October. In New York, the holiday is dedicated to celebrating Italian-American heritage. In other states, Christopher Columbus is not celebrated at all. Instead, it's reimagined as Indigenous Peoples' Day drawing attention to the historical truths relating to the genocide and oppression of indigenous people. There are several exhibitions highlighting Native American artwork that would be good to visit during this day in NYC. Read more about them here.
When is the Columbus Day Parade in NYC?
There is no Columbus Day Parade this year.