Photograph: Alamy

A local’s guide to living in Deptford

Thinking of moving to SE8? Here's the rundown on everything you need to know before becoming a Deptford resident

Chris Waywell

Essential information

Average property price: Flats £360k, houses £590k

Average rent: £800pcm per person

Nearest transport: Deptford rail, Deptford Bridge DLR, New Cross Overground

Bus routes: 47, 53, 177, 188, 199, 225, 453

Local MP: Vicky Foxcroft (Labour)

Tell me about the local tribe

A real mix: salt-of-the-earth sarf Londoners, African, Caribbean, Vietnamese, creative types and young professionals – gentrification’s definitely had an effect here.

What’s new in the area?

What isn’t? Deptford’s been ‘on the up’ since about 1500. Plenty of new money and businesses have come into SE8 in the last few years, but not all of it – or them – have stayed. Recent additions include excellent taproom Little Faith on Creekside and crafting space Made Deptford.

Are there any community spaces?

The Deptford Society is active on the ground, helping get the famous anchor back and setting up Deptford Pride. FB groups @DeptfordFolk and @ILoveDeptford are always busy. The Albany Theatre offers a physical hub for community groups, and there’s a big library clad in gold called, for some reason, Deptford Lounge.

Photograph: Andy Parsons

Where can I grab a morning latte?

Mouse Tail just under the station is a reliable spot, and The Waiting Room is excellent: Union coffee, vegan food featuring Deptford Death hot sauce and metal music.

Is the area family-friendly?

Because Deptford’s not a Victorian suburb, there aren’t streets and streets of terraced houses. There are some towards Deptford Park, and over at St John’s, but the High Street is a Bugaboo-free zone (for now). Local primary schools are good.

What’s the nearest green space?

When this area was all shipyards, green space was low on the agenda. Deptford Park is pretty spacious, and there are several local pocket parks. But the Thames is on your doorstep, and kids can get muddy to their hearts’ content at Creekside Discovery Centre.

What are the supermarket options?

Aldi and Tesco on the High Street, and… drumroll… a big Waitrose ten minutes’ walk towards Greenwich.

Is there a market at the weekend?

There’s a famous street market on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays with stalls selling cheap basics and amazing/bewildering junk. Food stalls take over Market Yard on a seasonal basis.

Photograph: Rob Greig

Any takeaway hotspots?

Pizza from Taproom or The Black Horse (towards Surrey Quays); great vegan curries from Hullabaloo.

How about keeping fit?

Polarising: there’s the welcoming Yoga Room by the station and the Commando Temple under the railway arches, with kettlebells, tractor tyres and a 4x4 vehicle swathed in chains.

Where’s the nearest cinema?

There’s the super-arty, volunteer-run Deptford Cinema on the Broadway, and a dinky new Curzon in Goldsmiths College.

And where do the locals drink?

Rum punch at Buster Mantis, craft beer at Villages, wine at the Tapas Room and epochal teapot cocktails at Little Nan’s Bar.

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