The tiny town of Mirboo North was devastated by a catastrophic storm at the beginning of this year. With thousands of trees struck down and the local pool totally destroyed, the community was devastated and had no access power for over a week.
Even while more than thirty families are still unable to live in their homes, all of this hasn't broken the community spirit of the town's residents. The hilltop community are throwing a celebration of their beloved bushland home this winter, in a show of resilience and to help the town bounce back.
Mirboo North Winterfest will be two days of wintry festivities on the weekend of August 3 and 4, with a program filled with wholesome activities and entertainment. Best of all, the majority of the events throughout the weekend are free to attend, with lots of live music, dance and drumming workshops, a lantern street parade, live timber sculpting display and much more. The festival hub is inside a giant tipi, making for a memorable winter outing.
So pile into the car and in just two hours you'll be in Mirboo North to make some cosy winter memories. You can find out more about the festival and its program on the website.