Some sage advice: Unless you’ve waxed your tongue, Homer Simpson–style, do not go for the curry at the highest spice level at this Sri Lankan mainstay. The waiter gives me a pitying, dubious smile as I order. The pork-based curry seems like a big ole dish of betrayal: With juicy swine and rich curry complexity, I think it’s love at first bite, but then the veil lifts and the flavor disappears into a fog of pain. I feel a room-spinning shortness of breath that reminds me of altitude sickness. Once it kicks in, it’s as if I reach the top of a roller coaster and realize I’m powerless to do anything but go along for the ride. All the yogurt in the world can’t bring me immediate relief. It’s merciless. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. Okay, fine, maybe the chef.
Searching for the spiciest dishes in New York and facing a few near-death experiences, I think there may be a caveat about eating spice in moderation. For what it’s worth, I can handle my spice: You’ll notice some trendy spicy dishes and cuisines missing from this list, and it’s because I don’t find them that hot. (Sorry—none of the best ramen, folks.) Listed below, from notoriously spicy Thai food to surprisingly spicy soul food, are the dishes that forced me to pause between bites. They made me sweat. They made me question my life choices. If you do go ahead and try them, best of luck to you.
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