It’s not news to us that Time Out Sydney’s readers are a discerning bunch. When we asked them to share the small things that fill us Sydneysiders with rage, they responded in droves. So when compiling a list of things that give Sydneysiders the ick (you know, things that make you squirm), it made sense to ask the people in the know.
These are all the things that give Sydneysiders the ick – from the small to the infuriating – according to Time Out Sydney readers.
“Electric bikes and scooters on footpaths nearly hitting us.”
“Noise levels in restaurants.”
“People who use those giant golf umbrellas, suitable for multiple people, on crowded city footpaths.”
“Pedestrians walking on dedicated cycle paths.”
“People in the city, not keeping to the left on the footpath.”
“Track work on weekends when there are major events taking place.”
“Non-indicting drivers.”

“We still have no speed train.”
“Green and red L platters.”
“The tax-wasting rangers on Pyrmont Bridge doing nothing for pedestrian safety.”
“People who keep talking about real estate.”
"Using your phone speaker to watch things and have conversations – put headphones on FFS! And get off the phone when you’re being served in a shop. Give the poor person a few minutes of your time instead of ignoring them!”
“Delivery riders on e-bikes flying up the footpath.”
“Train replacements that don’t run on schedule!!!”

“Tolls that cost you more than fuel.”
“Having to go to concerts at Homebush....should be called Can'tGetHomebush.”
“Price of coffee.”
“Weekend tax at cafés.”
“Only one major flaw - can’t get a coffee past 3pm. Or 2pm on the north shore!”
“People who think they are better because of the suburb they live in.”
“Can’t eat out after 9pm.”
Of all the icks listed, we're happy to argue that the last one isn't quite true – you can check out our guide to the best late-night eats in Sydney here.
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