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Time Out LOLs

We dare you not to laugh (then cry at the harsh realities) then laugh some more at these Time Out LOLs


What are the tell-tale signs you're in the hipster Holy Land? What relationship spats will you have this summer in Tel Aviv? And what are the five most common Israel neuroses? Check out these knee slapping, laughing-attack inducing, gut busting listicles to get the answers to these questions and more.

City life

Top five

Top 5 people who visit you in Israel

Top 5 people who visit you in Israel

1. Your parents From the minute they touch down in Natbag, the pictures, questions, and demands don’t stop: Let’s have someone take a family photo in front of...

Top five Tel Aviv neuroses

Top five Tel Aviv neuroses

1. You're more hungover than the rest of the office You're hungover...for the third time this week (and you've only had three work days so far). Despite the...

Top five people you'll find at the Shuk

Top five people you'll find at the Shuk

1. The clueless tourist   By far the worst of the bunch, the clueless tourist missed the memo regarding appropriate walking pace – and direction – when...

Top five excuses for being late

Top five excuses for being late

1. 'Waze misjudged the traffic' You can't go boasting to all of your North American friends about how much better the Israel GPS app is than their old school...

Top five people who ruin the beach

Top five people who ruin the beach

1. The Speedo Sporter   There's always that one banana hammock enthusiast who feels the need to let it al(most) hang loose at the beach. If he was the...

Top five worst sounds in Tel Aviv

Top five worst sounds in Tel Aviv

1. Car horns   Within a week of living in Tel Aviv, you'll wonder whether there is some universal twitch that causes Israelis to honk their car horns at...

Top five people you'll meet on the bus

Top five people you'll meet on the bus

1. The bus driver Well known in the commuter community by every passenger screaming their name, “nahag” is not merely a job description as much as it is a...

An idiot abroad

When North Americans Google Israel…

When North Americans Google Israel…

...the results are absolutely shocking. Only eleven hours away by plane, North Americans are vast oceans apart when it comes to their perception of Israeli...

26 ways to spot a Canadian in Israel

26 ways to spot a Canadian in Israel

Israel is full of Diaspora transplants hailing from all walks of northern life. The warm climate is appealing to colder countries, especially Great White...

Sex & dating

Word on the street