If you’re currently spending a lot of time inside then you need to make sure you’re prioritising yourself. For some people that means exercising regularly, eating well, meditating yada yada yada. For others, it means getting wine and gourmet foodstuffs delivered to your door.
If you count yourself in the latter, then you might want to set your sights on an MTC isolation pack. Yes, the theatre company is usually busy churning out performances but these are unusual times we find ourselves in. Hence the company has teamed up with Bellarine Peninsula winery Scotchmans Hill to produce three isolation packs, each filled with lots of wine plus gourmet products from the region.
The best part? Between $15 and $25 will be donated to MTC from each isolation pack sold so that they can keep producing theatre once the current crisis ends.
There are three packs to choose from depending on your budget and penchant for wine. Packs start at $99 and include items like Otway Pasta, Scotchman Hill preserves, Manzanillo olive oil and of course Scotchmans Hill wine (we are particularly big fans of their pinot noir). They also feature cellar door vouchers for when the winery reopens.
Visit the Scotchmans Hills website for more info and to order packs. Shipping is currently free for purchases over $100.