Cancel your plans and beeline for the east. After years of delays, one of Sydney's most beautiful harbour beaches has finally reopened to the public. Sitting on the edge of national parkland on the banks of Sydney’s sparkling harbour, Shark Beach at Nielsen Park has long been one of the Eastern Suburb’s most treasured swimming spots. But since March 2022 it has been tightly closed to the public, inciting mass frustration among locals who desperately want to dive back into their favourite turquoise cove as warmer days approach.
In glorious news for swimmers, the stunning harbour cove – and its onsite café – has just reopened.

Getting to this point of completion hasn’t been as easy ride. Reconstruction work was originally meant to be completed by December, 2022 – but the wettest Sydney year on record, contractual delays and the discovery (and removal) of a hefty 3,600 tonnes of asbestos put big delays on progress. The construction work that’s been taking place over the past few years has involved improving accessibility to the beach – with a new wheelchair accessible pedestrian ramp and a separate ramp to allow maintenance vehicle access to the beach, plus additional seating along the promenade. The sea wall was raised by 50 centimetres, with wave deflectors integrated to protect the park (and recently renovated kiosk) from sea level changes.
Now, the beach is back welcoming visitors, though we expect these first few days to be very busy.
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