The Edinburgh Fringe is the biggest and most important gathering of comedy talent. So of course the Time Out team is up in Bonnie Scotland for the month of August, watching hour upon hour of comedy, and writing up reviews.
You'll find the latest comedy reviews from the Edinburgh Festival at the top of this page. Keep checking back, as we'll be adding new reviews almost every day.
Five stars
Four stars
Thought provoking, grown-up storytelling packed with jokes
A passionate, intelligent and beautifully silly attack on everyday sexism
It's near impossible not to have a good time at this disco with a comedy twist
Intriguing, inventive and just the right side of peculiar
The king of British anti-comedy's back with more shambolic brilliance
Intelligent, eloquent wit and Mario Kart tips in this 22-year-old's Fringe debut
Acaster's minute, quizzical world is a wonderful place to visit
Honesty and heart behind self-loathing silliness
Behind-the-scenes nuggets and bewildering facts from the legendary TV producer
A hugely impressive debut show crammed full of inventive ideas
Three stars
Louche pessimism that's funny at points, but doesn't connect successfully with the audience
The character creation of Gemma Whelan has mastered the art of making naff jokes funny
A true Dave and Goliath story that's more remarkable than funny
A solid 30-minutes of material stretched over an hour from this charming Canadian
An ambitious slow-burner that just about pays off
Two stars
MOR observations about rage from a mild-mannered comic
A brave experiment that, on this particular night, enters into the sweat pit of deep embarrassment
Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2013
Our massive Fringe hub, featuring previews and reviews from comedy, theatre and cabaret.
Edinburgh Fringe comedy recommendations
Our pick of the best debut comedy shows at the world’s biggest arts festival
Our pick of the best visiting comics from America, Australia and more
Our pick of the TV regulars and reliable Fringe favourites
Late night and weirdo comedy shows, from live wrestling to jazz in a cow
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