Selena is the Branded Content Writer for Time Out Hong Kong. Born and bred in Hong Kong, she loves to travel and explore hidden gems in the city. On other days, you can find her binge-watching romcoms and sitcoms, catching the sunset, or almost burning down the kitchen trying new recipes.

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Selena Chan

Selena Chan

Branded Content Writer

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Articles (65)

香港麗晶酒店 The Steak House 聯乘世界知名扒房打造客席廚師饗宴

香港麗晶酒店 The Steak House 聯乘世界知名扒房打造客席廚師饗宴

被評為「全球101間最佳牛扒餐廳2024」之一的香港麗晶酒店 The Steak House 將聯乘多間榜上餐廳,舉行一系列特別客席廚師活動,把世界各地的優質牛扒餐飲體驗帶到香港。 打頭炮的是位列第38名、來自新加坡的 Bistecca Tuscan Steakhouse。這間著名扒房和 The Steak House 將於8月23至24日一連兩晚呈獻精心策劃的五道菜饗宴($1,588/位),結合 Bistecca 招牌菜和 The Steak House 的烹飪技藝,向意大利托斯卡納料理致敬。 我們訪問了 The Steak House 主廚 Amine Errkhis 和負責掌管 Bistecca Tuscan Steakhouse 的 Red Door Group 行政總廚 Oliver Hyde,分享合作靈感和焦點。 Photograph: Courtesy Regent Hong Kong | (left) Amine Errkhis, head chef of The Steak House; (right) Olive Hyde, group executive chef of Red Door Group 結合兩者精髓 Amine 邀請 Bistecca 合作的契機,全因後者對高品質食材的要求和對正宗意大利菜的熱誠。Amine 分享:「我們一起設計的菜單不僅突出托斯卡納風味和烹飪技巧,同時融入了我們的創新牛扒製作方法,結合各自長處,為客人打造獨一無二的佳餚。」 Oliver 很高興能將托斯卡納正宗風味和傳統從新加坡帶到香港。他主理的 Bistecca Tuscan Steakhouse 主打新鮮農產品和頂級厚切牛扒,僅以少量鹽調味,完美體現經典意大利扒房精髓。 食客當晚品嚐到的牛扒外脆內嫩,團隊依循傳統托斯卡納風格,在 The Steak House 的傳統木炭烤架高溫灸燒牛肉,搭配多款傳統意大利配菜。 Photograph: Courtesy Regent Hong Kong | Bistecca Tuscan Steakhouse 精緻佳餚配頂級牛肉 五道菜盛宴以烤意大利麵包、帝王蟹餅、加拿大龍蝦湯打頭陣,接着是以甜粟米、意大利 mascarpone 軟芝士、parmigiano reggiano 芝士及澳洲冬季黑松露自家製成的意大利皮埃蒙特餃子。 菜單亮點為 Bistecca 招牌連骨肉眼,搭配一系列傳統意大利配菜,如意大利薯仔丸子、沙律、炒雜菌、蒜蓉西蘭花等。值得一提的是,今次採用的牛肉的澳洲大理石分數得分為六(MB6),擁有 F1黑毛和牛及但馬和牛血統,以穀物餵飼超過420天。 Oliver 補充:「F1 和牛大理石花紋雖不如全血統和牛豐富,但一般處於中至高等級評分,肉質鮮嫩多汁及入口即溶之餘,牛扒味道也相當濃郁。」牛肉由澳洲放養牧場農夫 Hugh Griffiths 提供,是 Bistecca 自開業以來的合作夥伴。Oliver 說:「我們擅長花時間了解產品、供應商和生產商,並與他們建立長期合作關係,確保我們的肉品和食材維持高水準。」 來到最後一道菜,食客可同時品嚐兩款令人垂涎三尺的甜品,分別為 Bistecca 的著名意式奶酪卷,以雲呢拿 ricotta 芝士、士多啤梨、薄荷和開心果意大利雪糕製成;以及由香港麗晶酒店行政糕點總廚楊焯賢炮製的自家製反烤蘋果撻(Upside Down Apple Tarte Tatin),為盛宴畫上甜蜜句號。 切勿錯過一連兩晚的特別客席廚師活動,一次過品嚐兩間著名扒房的精緻菜餚。

Regent Hong Kong presents a culinary showdown with two world-class steakhouses

Regent Hong Kong presents a culinary showdown with two world-class steakhouses

Regent Hong Kong’s The Steak House, named one of the World's 101 Best Steak Restaurants for 2024, is hosting a series of exclusive guest chef events in collaboration with other honourees on the prestigious list, bringing the best of steak dining experience to Hong Kong.  Taking place on August 23 and 24, the inaugural edition showcases the Bistecca Tuscan Steakhouse from Singapore, ranked 38 on the list. With a mutual appreciation for Italian Tuscan-style cuisine, these two steakhouses will curate a lavish five-course menu ($1,588 per person) that features Bistecca’s expertise in Italian gastronomy and The Steak House’s commitment to creating unique dining experiences.  In an exclusive interview, we talk about the inspirations and highlights of this collaboration with Amine Errkhis, the head chef of The Steak House, and Oliver Hyde, the group executive chef of Red Door Group, which operates Bistecca Tuscan Steakhouse. Photograph: Courtesy Regent Hong Kong | (left) Amine Errkhis, head chef of The Steak House; (right) Olive Hyde, group executive chef of Red Door Group The best of both worlds Impressed by Bistecca’s passion for high-quality ingredients and dedication to crafting authentic Italian dishes, Amine decided to reach out to the Singapore steak house and initiate a collaboration.  “Together, we developed a menu highlighting the flavours and techniques of Tuscan cooking while incorporating our innovative approach to steak preparation,” Amine explains. “The result is a

Best chill cafes recognised by Time Out and Cathay

Best chill cafes recognised by Time Out and Cathay

Hongkongers love coffee, and the city is brimming with laid-back coffee joints that invite guests to indulge in well-crafted coffee beverages and specialty drinks, while unwinding in a tranquil escape from the city’s hustle and bustle. To guide you on your next cafe-hopping adventure, Time Out Hong Kong, in partnership with premium travel lifestyle brand, Cathay, curated a list of Recommended restaurants. Each of these venues allow you to earn one Asia Mile for every $4 spent by presenting your Cathay membership QR code at the end of the meal. Next time you visit a restaurant, watch for the ‘Time Out x Cathay Recommended’ stickers, our stamp of approval guaranteeing quality offerings and an unforgettable dining experience there. Among the 40 restaurants listed in the series, this last set shines a spotlight on Hong Kong’s top cafes for a chill hangout, offering both laid-back vibes and top-notch brews. Read on to explore a list of the best cafes to check out in Hong Kong. RECOMMENDED: Explore the full list of Time Out x Cathay Recommended venues

10間 Time Out x 國泰香港浪漫餐廳推介

10間 Time Out x 國泰香港浪漫餐廳推介

跟另一半約會指定動作當然是要享用一頓浪漫大餐。無論是初次約會、週年紀念或告白求婚,香港擁有各式各樣的浪漫餐廳,營造甜蜜醉人的餐廳氣氛並提供精緻美食,令情侶們享受愉悅難忘的體驗。 每年「Time Out 推介」名單(Time Out Recommended )為香港讀者搜羅最新最精彩的吃喝玩樂購物情報。在「Time Out 推介2024」名單發布之前,我們與尊尚旅遊生活品牌國泰合作,推出城中必訪餐廳名單,嚴選40間提供高水準菜式及難忘用餐體驗的餐廳,讓大家輕鬆找到心水餐廳選擇。國泰會員享受美食同時,只要結帳時出示會員二維碼,每四元消費均可賺取一「亞洲萬里通」里數。下次外出用餐時,不妨留意張貼在餐廳外的「Time Out x Cathay Recommended」標貼。 繼首輪打卡餐廳推介,今次我們嚴選香港10大浪漫餐廳,帶大家發掘城中擁有氣氛浪漫及環境得體的高質餐廳,為你的約會甜蜜加分。 發掘「Time Out x 國泰香港」頂級餐廳推介完整名單  

10 Date night restaurants recommended by Time Out and Cathay

10 Date night restaurants recommended by Time Out and Cathay

Looking for the ideal romantic spot for your first date, anniversary dinner, or a special night out? Hong Kong is home to many restaurants that provide more than just a pretty dining room, but also exquisite gastronomy crucial for a swoony evening.  This season, Time Out Hong Kong, in collaboration with premium travel lifestyle brand, Cathay, is launching a series of curated restaurant lists ahead of the annual Recommended campaign for 2024. The list aims to help patrons discover more fulfilling dining experiences throughout the city. We’ve handpicked 40 restaurants, where you can earn one Asia Mile for every $4 spent by presenting your Cathay membership QR code at the end of your meal. Next time you visit a restaurant, watch out for the ‘Time Out x Cathay Recommended’ stickers, our stamp of approval promising exceptional offerings and an unforgettable dining experience. Following our initial release of the city’s top Instagrammable eateries last week, we are now presenting the top date night destinations that have secured their spots on our list. From candlelit feasts and grand fine dining experiences to casual settings, bookmark these venues and let the ambience, views, and culinary offerings work their magic on your special evening. RECOMMENDED: Explore the full list of Time Out x Cathay Recommended venues

Indulge in a lavish tea-inspired feast at the Michelin-starred Lai Ching Heen

Indulge in a lavish tea-inspired feast at the Michelin-starred Lai Ching Heen

Tea plays an integral part of Chinese dining tradition, and a grand tea-inspired feast, complete with exquisite tea pairings, offers a truly unique dining experience. From now until August 31, the two-Michelin-starred and two Black Pearl Diamond restaurant Lai Ching Heen at Regent Hong Kong will present the Yunnan Pu’er Tea Tasting Menu ($1,238 per person). Curated by executive chef Lau Yiu Fai, head chef Cheng Man Sang, and tea sommelier Kelvin Mok, the exclusive menu celebrates the deep-rooted heritage of Chinese tea culture through an innovative blend of Cantonese cuisine and Yunnan tea.  Guests can indulge in a variety of artfully prepared dishes paired with four distinct types of tea, including two exquisite teas from the restaurant’s tea partner, Tong Qing Hao. The Lai Ching Heen team visited the tea gardens in Yunnan to gain a deep understanding of the entire tea process, from cultivation to production, to present guests a memorable pairing experience, all set against the magnificent backdrop of the iconic Victoria Harbour.   Photograph: Courtesy Regent Hong Kong   Tea-inspired culinary artistry Whet your whistle with a serving of Sparkling Golden Oolong with Lungan Honey welcome tea before you tuck into the scrumptious meal. This refreshing and floral sparkling tea from Anxi county perfectly combines the intricate flavours of premium oolong tea with hints of locally-sourced, pure natural lungan honey.  After enjoying the welcome tea, the culinary journey starts with

10間 Time Out x 國泰香港露天餐廳推介

10間 Time Out x 國泰香港露天餐廳推介

想暫時逃離城市煩囂,邊歎美食邊吸收維他命 D,或在繾綣星光下享受佳餚美酒?香港隱藏不少高質戶外餐廳待你發掘,部分更是寵物友善,適合帶同愛竉一同 chill 番下! 在「Time Out 推介2024」名單發布之前,我們與尊尚旅遊生活品牌國泰合作,推出城中必訪餐廳名單,讓大家輕鬆找到心水餐廳選擇。 我們嚴選40間提供高水準菜式及難忘用餐體驗的餐廳。國泰會員享受美食同時,只要結帳時出示會員二維碼,每四元消費均可賺取一「亞洲萬里通」里數。下次外出用餐時,不妨留意張貼在餐廳外的「Time Out x Cathay Recommended」標貼。 繼打卡和浪漫餐廳推介,今次我們精選10間香港必訪戶外餐廳,無論是海景派、城景派還是打卡派,都會讓你感到稱心滿意。 發掘「Time Out x 國泰香港」頂級餐廳推介完整名單

Bookmark these al fresco dining spots recommended by Time Out and Cathay

Bookmark these al fresco dining spots recommended by Time Out and Cathay

Hong Kong houses a plethora of gorgeous outdoor dining destinations that provide the perfect setting for basking in the sun or unwinding under the stars. If you’re looking for an unforgettable dining experience with outstanding gastronomy and the warm embrace of sunlight, you’ve come to the right place. This season, Time Out Hong Kong is teaming up with premium travel lifestyle brand, Cathay, to present a series of curated restaurant lists ahead of the annual Recommended campaign for 2024. The list aims to help you discover more fulfilling dining experiences across the city. We’ve handpicked 40 restaurants, where you can earn one Asia Mile for every $4 spent by simply presenting your Cathay membership QR code at the end of your meal. So keep an eye out for the ‘Time Out x Cathay Recommended’ stickers during your next restaurant visit, as they serve as our stamp of approval, ensuring exceptional offerings and memorable dining experiences. We’ve shared our favourite Instagrammable and romantic restaurants in the city, and now we’re presenting some of the best outdoor dining settings Hong Kong has to offer. From harbourside spots to rooftop gems with lush surroundings, we have you covered. RECOMMENDED: Explore the full list of Time Out x Cathay Recommended venues

10大 Time Out x 國泰香港打卡餐廳推介

10大 Time Out x 國泰香港打卡餐廳推介

你也是「相機食先」、喜歡發掘中打卡餐廳的 foodie 嗎?香港出色的餐廳琳琅滿目,各有各特色,從無敵大海景、主題裝潢到互動餐飲體驗都有,視覺與味覺享受兼備。 每年「Time Out 推介」名單(Time Out Recommended )為香港讀者搜羅最新最精彩的吃喝玩樂購物情報。在「Time Out 推介2024」名單發布之前,我們與尊尚旅遊生活品牌國泰合作,推出城中必訪餐廳名單,讓大家輕鬆找到心水餐廳選擇。 我們嚴選40間提供高水準菜式及難忘用餐體驗的餐廳,由美食打卡好去處、浪漫情調餐廳、露天食肆到休閒咖啡店都有。國泰會員享受美食同時,只要結帳時出示會員二維碼,每四元消費均可賺取一「亞洲萬里通」里數。下次外出用餐時,不妨留意張貼在餐廳外的「Time Out x Cathay Recommended」標貼。 第一輪名單嚴選香港10大打卡餐廳,別緻裝潢加上吸睛美食,保證讓你快門按不停。 發掘「Time Out x 國泰香港」頂級餐廳推介完整名單

Discover a symphony of global flavours at FEAST this summer

Discover a symphony of global flavours at FEAST this summer

Treat yourself to a sumptuous and lavish dining experience this summer. Celebrating the warmth of togetherness and communal dining, FEAST, the all-day dining destination nestled within EAST Hong Kong in Tai Koo, launches the new ‘Build Your Own FEAST’ semi-buffet dinner. Showcasing a plethora of dishes inspired by the finest flavours from around the world, it promises an unforgettable dining experience for you and your loved ones with a wide array of main courses and sides, complemented by unlimited servings of antipasti and desserts. Priced at $688* per person, the semi-buffet dinner is available from Monday to Sunday, between 6pm and 10pm. Read on to explore the diverse range of plates ‘Build Your Own FEAST’ brings to the table. *Prices are subject to 10 percent service charge. 

Cruise Restaurant & Bar​: Where modern Asian fare meets stunning harbour vistas

Cruise Restaurant & Bar​: Where modern Asian fare meets stunning harbour vistas

Renowned for its dramatic skyline, Hong Kong is home to plenty of restaurants that offer both quality cuisine and stunning vistas. Among these dining destinations, Cruise Restaurant & Bar​, located on the 23rd floor of Hyatt Centric Victoria Harbour Hong Kong in North Point, is a must-visit for those seeking an unforgettable culinary experience. This buzzy 88-seater restobar serves a plethora of Southeast and North Asian classic dishes with a contemporary twist, as well as a creative locally inspired cocktail menu. Read on to see what makes this rooftop haven special.

Discover the top Instagrammable eateries recognised by Time Out and Cathay

Discover the top Instagrammable eateries recognised by Time Out and Cathay

Are you the type of foodie who hunts down the most visually appealing dishes and interiors? Hong Kong is a mecca for all your gastronomic and visual delights. The city offers many snap-worthy eateries offering panoramic harbour views, themed designs, interactive dining experiences, and artistically presented dishes designed not just for your tastebuds but also for your eyes.  This season, Time Out Hong Kong is partnering with premium travel lifestyle brand, Cathay, to launch a series of curated restaurant lists ahead of our annual Recommended campaign for 2024. The list aims to guide you in discovering more enriching dining experiences in the city, helping you find your next culinary destination. We’ve handpicked 40 restaurants where you can earn one Asia Mile for every $4 spent by presenting your Cathay membership QR code at the end of the meal. From photogenic venues to ideal date night destinations, and from al fresco dining to laid-back hangouts, we’ve got you covered. Next time you visit a restaurant, keep an eye out for the ‘Time Out x Cathay Recommended’ stickers, our stamp of approval guaranteeing quality offerings and an unforgettable dining experience there. The first line of venues recognises the restaurants that deserve a spot on your social media feed. Keep reading to explore 10 of the most Instagrammable restaurants that will make your followers hit the like button.  RECOMMENDED: Explore the full list of Time Out x Cathay Recommended venues

Listings and reviews (31)

Memory Trace of Western Chamber

Memory Trace of Western Chamber

Experience the captivating performance of renowned dance artist Elsie Chau in Memory Trace of Western Chamber from April 18 to 20. Drawing inspiration from the Chinese classic play, Romance of the Western Chamber, this creative dance explores the journey of Cui Ying-ying, a literary heroine known for challenging societal expectations. Produced by Unlock Dancing Plaza, the performance, distinguished by the work of acclaimed choreographer Ong Yong-lock and  dramaturg Mann Chan, transforms Tai Kwun’s JC Cube into an evocative space for dance theatre. Chau artfully melds her personal stories with those of Cui, showcasing the resilient spirit of two women forging their own paths and navigating life's hurdles. Tickets are available for $300, with discounts offered for multiple bookings across the Spotlight: A Season of Performing Arts series. Learn more about the programme through Tai Kwun’s official website and secure your spots online today.

Wow Summit

Wow Summit

Join the Wow Summit on March 26 and 27 at AsiaWorld Expo and gain invaluable insights into the Web3 space through an impressive lineup of speakers and engaging agenda and activities. Having made its mark in Dubai and Lisbon, and now returning to our shores, the summit brings together distinguished industry leaders, government officials, and forward-thinking innovators from the realms of cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, and digital assets.  The World of Web3 Summit, or Wow Summit, offers inspirational keynote presentations addressing important topics such as the evolving role of centralised exchanges in the crypto markets, as well as panel discussions on emerging trends and technologies. A highlight not to be missed is the Art Zone curated by fine art and luxury auction house, Sotheby’s. Explore a dynamic digital art exhibition showcasing the latest in digital art and its transformative influence on the art world. Speakers include Joseph Chan, under secretary for the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau, John Cahill, Asia’s COO of Galaxy Digital, Stacey-Ann Pearson, Amazon Web Services’ head of Web3 (APAC), and many more. Visit Wow Summit’s official website to learn more about the event and secure your passes today.

Marketing Pulse x eTailingPulse

Marketing Pulse x eTailingPulse

The Hong Kong Trade Development Council presents MarketingPulse and eTailingPulse on March 13, a two-in-one event designed for Asia’s marketers, agencies, and e-commerce experts. Taking place at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, the event offers inspirational talks, engaging workshops on digital marketing and e-Tailing, as well as a happy hour session with music performance by local artist DJ King. Discover the latest market insights and learn from heavyweight industry leaders. The speaker lineup includes the creative minds of leading international brands such as OpenAI, Arsenal Football Club, Nike, Moutai, 9gag, Blippi, Farfetch, Maison 21G, Malin+Goetz, Mastercard, Naver Z, Suntory, Toridoll and more. Topics range from AI marketing, defining brand purpose, sustainability, and brand storytelling to K-pop marketing, Gen Alpha strategies, as well as silver generation and sensory marketing.  Purchase your pass today and enjoy a 40 percent discount by using the Time Out reader-exclusive discount code ‘MPR07N4P’. 



The space offers all-day dining with an extensive bar menu and a grab-and-go counter, Catch & Go. Located at LANDMARK’s Chater House, the restaurant seamlessly combines elegance with a touch of casual charm. Picture marbled walls in neutral tones, accented with gold fixtures and ample plush deep green seating, making it the perfect setting for long catch ups or casual business meetings. The venue also boasts an expansive outdoor terrace overlooking the bustling streets of Central.  Take your pick from their menu showcasing a creative fusion of international flavours, from Western classics to Chinese and Southeast Asian dishes. Their Hainan chicken rice ($178) remains a popular favourite since the restaurant’s opening. Other must-tries are the authentic pad Thai ($148) with responsibly sourced prawns and the comforting laksa ($148) with a homemade seafood stock infused with prawns and lobster shells. For quick bites, head to the grab-and-go counter and opt for a healthy salad, hot dish, artisanal sandwich or wrap. Catchic is also committed to responsible ingredient sourcing, utilising plant-based and compostable take-away packaging. Additionally, they manage food waste through Hongkong Land’s onsite compost machine.

Kyuhyun ‘Restart’ Asia tour

Kyuhyun ‘Restart’ Asia tour

After parting ways with SM Entertainment last year, Super Junior’s lead vocalist Kyuhyun announces his first solo Asia tour with his new agency Antenna. Named after his latest mini album, the ‘Restart’ tour features 11 shows in Seoul, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia, as well as Hong Kong. The singer is taking the stage at AsiaWorld-Expo on April 4 and 5, performing his signature ballads such as At Gwanghwamun, A Million Pieces, and Time With You. Tickets are available here.

TVXQ! ‘20&2’ Asia tour

TVXQ! ‘20&2’ Asia tour

Following their sold-out concert in Hong Kong in January, this legendary K-pop duo, who had celebrated their 20th anniversary last year, announces two additional stops for their highly anticipated Asia tour – Macau and Jakarta. On March 30, Yunho and Changmin are set to rock the stage of The Londoner Arena with their timeless hits, including Rising Sun, Mirotic, Wrong Number, and Keep Your Head Down. Stay tuned for the ticket details!

CNBlue ‘CNBluentity’ Asia tour

CNBlue ‘CNBluentity’ Asia tour

The rock band is gearing up for the Asian leg of their ‘CNBluentity’ tour, with Hong Kong as the first stop! A combination of the band’s name and the word ‘identity’, ‘CNBluentity’ promises electrifying performances that showcase the individuality of each member. Their concert in Seoul last October marked the end of their six-year hiatus. Comprising vocalist Jung Yong-hwa, drummer Kang Min-hyuk, and bassist Lee Jung-shin, the band debuted 14 years ago and has since released multiple hits such as Alone, Love Light, Love, Can’t Stop, I’m Sorry, Y, Why…, and more. Tickets will be available from February 16 at 10am. Stay tuned to HK Ticketing for the latest updates.

Ten ‘1001’ Asia fan-con tour

Ten ‘1001’ Asia fan-con tour

Ahead of his upcoming solo album release, NCT member Ten announces his first-ever Asia fan-con tour. Audiences can look forward to him interacting with the crowd and playing his solo hits like Dream in a Dream, New Heroes, Birthday, and Paint Me Naked. Tickets run from $988 to $1,588.

F.T. Island ‘Hey Day’ in Hong Kong

F.T. Island ‘Hey Day’ in Hong Kong

The famous rock band returns to Hong Kong after seven long years and takes centre stage at KITEC’s Star Hall on March 2. The ‘Hey Day’ concert is a token of gratitude to their fans’ unwavering support throughout the past 17 years, and Hong Kong marks the final stop of their Asia tour. Expect to sing along to iconic hits like Severely, Love Love Love, Hello Hello, Love Sick, To The Light, and many more. Tickets are priced from $880 to $1,680.

Seung Hyub & Hwe Seung of N.Flying Live ‘We’re Here’ in Hong Kong

Seung Hyub & Hwe Seung of N.Flying Live ‘We’re Here’ in Hong Kong

Rap rock band N.Flying’s leader Seung Hyub and vocalist Hwe Seung embark on their ‘We’re Here’ tour as the remaining three members are currently serving in the military. Fans can expect the duo performing the band’s signature heartfelt pop-rock tracks like Rooftop, Moonshot, Blue Moon, and Oh Really. Click here for the ticket details!

Nam Woo Hyun ‘Whitree’ Asia tour

Nam Woo Hyun ‘Whitree’ Asia tour

Infinite’s main vocalist Nam Woo Hyun is holding his first solo concert in Hong Kong this February following the group’s 13th-anniversary celebration and ‘Comeback Again’ Asia tour last year. The ‘Whitree’ tour is named after Woo Hyun’s first solo album and takes place on February 17 and 18 at MacPherson Stadium. Tickets range from $888 to $1,588, with certain packages offering fan benefits like signed posters, photo ops, and access to the sound check session.

Super Junior-L.S.S. ‘The Show: Th3ee Guys’ Asia tour

Super Junior-L.S.S. ‘The Show: Th3ee Guys’ Asia tour

Super Junior’s sixth sub-unit L.S.S., featuring Leetuk, Shindong, and Siwon, just made its debut with a Japanese album last year. To celebrate their new venture, the trio is embarking on their first-ever tour across various Asian cities, such as Jakarta, Ho Chi Minh City, Bangkok, Taipei, and Hong Kong. Running from $980 to $1,680, tickets are up for grabs here now.

News (2)

Milktea sweeps Hong Kong’s typhoon name poll

Milktea sweeps Hong Kong’s typhoon name poll

Brace for Typhoon Milktea, as the city’s iconic drink storms to the top in The Hong Kong Observatory’s (HKO) Tropical Cyclone Name Collection poll with 15,750 votes. HKO embarked on a quest for 20 typhoon names that best capture the city’s characteristics, and presented forty potential names last year, calling upon Hongkongers to cast their votes for their favourites. Coming in at a close second with 15,127 votes is ‘Tsing-ma’, Hong Kong’s landmark bridge that connects Tsing Yi and Ma Wan, holding the title of the world’s longest suspension bridge for rail and road traffic. ‘Fo-lung’ (fire dragon), the century-old Mid-Autumn Festival tradition, roars into third place with 14,810 votes. Among the other names that made it to the list are the beloved Hong Kong food ‘Dim-sum’, ‘Siu-long’ (the stage name of the legendary martial art superstar Bruce Lee), teas ‘Shui-sin’ and ‘Heung-pin’, ‘Hoi-wai’ the deceased killer whale at Ocean Park, as well as ‘Pui-pui’ the saltwater crocodile living in the Hong Kong Wetland Park. Check out the full list here: Milktea: 15,750 votes Tsing-ma: 15,127 votes Fo-lung: 14,810 votes Dim-sum: 14,354 votes Sparrow: 13,662 votes Shui-sin: 13,463 votes Siu-long: 13,131 votes Neon: 12,713 votes Sing-si: 12,524 votes Egret: 12,296 votes Heung-pin: 12,279 votes Hoi-wai: 11,717 votes Pui-pui: 11,595 votes Sheung-si: 11,431 votes Red-bean: 11,006 votes Stoneslab: 10,940 votes Bak-lan: 10,616 votes Sampan: 10,474 votes Junk-boat: 10,222 votes Treefrog: 10,148

Help name Ocean Park's exotic crocodile!

Help name Ocean Park's exotic crocodile!

The exotic female crocodile found in Pat Heung last year is joining the Ocean Park family, and the theme park is on a quest for a meaningful and memorable name for this newcomer!  From now until January 31, share your suggestions for the perfect name that reflects the croc’s background and uniqueness. Hong Kong does not have native crocodiles, so the chosen name will carry special significance and serve as a reminder of the potential harm invasive species can cause to local biodiversity.  Seahorse Rangers, Hong Kong’s largest student-oriented conservation group, will select the top five names from public submissions in late February. You can then vote for the final name through Ocean Park’s social media platform from March 4 to noon on March 12. The final winner will receive four tickets to the Get-Closer-to-the-Animals programme, in-park F&B vouchers worth $2,000, and an annual park membership for four. The other four shortlisted participants can also receive four Get-Closer-to-the-Animals and park admission tickets, along with  F&B vouchers worth $800.  Here are some deets about the croc if you’re looking for some inspiration – it’s approximately 1.9m long and weighs 35kg, and was discovered in a fenced-off area next to a Lin Fa Tei village house. Estimated to be four years old, it was transferred from the Agriculture, Fisheries, and Conservation Department to Ocean Park in April 2023.  Visit Ocean Park’s official website to send in your ideas! Recommended stories: McDonald